Xiamen Alotcer Communication Technology Co., Ltd.
主な製品:工業セルラールータ、産業用組込みセルラールータ、産業 IP モデム、産業モデム、監視プラットフォーム

About Alotcer


Alotcer was founded in 2014, by a creative and innovitive team who have more 10 years industry experience, and 80% of the founders are R&D and Techincal Engineer background focusing on IoT and M2M, and that is why we can grow so quickly, from 8 people to a team with 180+ employees and 100+ country partners.

Alotcer delivers innovative and reliable solutions for partners and industries, and our products have been widely used for virious industries and applications globally.

1. Smart grid

2. Smart cities

3. Oil&gas,

4. Transportation
